When you're dreaming about your future home, it's hard not to imagine all the possibilities. We know how easy it is to start daydreaming about what could be possible. What if I had a custom built property? Could I build my dream custom home? Is that even an option for me? The answer is yes! Custom homes are becoming more and more popular in today’s society, so we wanted to talk with some of Sacramento's top builders and find out what they think makes a "custom" home different from any other type of construction.

What’s Possible With Custom Homes?

With custom built homes, anything is possible.  There are no restrictions to the design of your home, allowing you to explore all sorts of different options. You’re designing a home from scratch so anything is possible- stone countertops, in-home theater rooms or even an indoor pool! Want to break outside the box? Think about your outdoor living space, custom pools, and how you want to integrate the home and the outdoor features. Walls that open to these spaces are not out of the question.

How tall do you want the ceilings? One story or two? Do you want exposed beams in the interior with vaulted ceilings? Yeah, we could help make that happen. Virtually anything you can dream up, we can help bring to reality. Of course, the more extravagant the dream, the higher the cost. Engineering and architecture costs can sometimes bring those dreams back to reality, but why not start shooting from the moon and scale back to what makes sense for you and your budget?

Luxury Custom Home Builders

What makes a luxury custom home builder? Quite honestly oftentimes it comes down to experience. With years of experience under our belts, Bianchi-Tillett Developers has the know-how to deliver your dreams. Do we always build luxury custom homes? The answer to that is "yes", and "no". We have a luxury mindset behind everything we do, so quality is the foundation of our business. Even if we're building a smaller 3000 square foot custom home, quality is our focus. We don't have to be building a 10,000 square foot mansion overlooking Folsom Lake to think about quality, it's in everything we do. That's the Bianchi-Tillett Developers difference, and what sets us apart as luxury custom home builders.

Custom Home Builders in Sacramento

As custom home builders in Sacramento, we are very familiar with the area. We typically build in these areas:

We can build in other areas, we are not limited in that respect, but are most familiar with the prime lots in the above areas.

We understand that building the home of your dreams can be close to the heart. For many, it's the result of decades of dreaming and saving. We as custom builders treat it with equal reverence knowing that many have waited years to take this step. Rest assured our experienced team can help you bring your dream home to life!

Whether you are dreaming of a contemporary modern style home, a craftsman, or a french provincial style, we can help. We're committed to seeing our clients' building dreams come to life, and we believe in only a high-level of quality.

Click here to see our article on different styles of homes.

Take A Step Toward Your Dream Today

We are one of the best luxury custom home builders in Sacramento. We value quality over anything else, because we know that is what will make the difference between a good result and an excellent one. So when we build your dream custom home, it will be something you love and can take pride in! Contact us for more information on our luxury custom homes today.

Additional Reading:

Best Places to Live in Sacramento

Building a New Home Checklist

Pros & Cons of Building a Custom Home

Cost to Build a Custom Home